In this weeks readings it was very interesting to analyze the small effects small details can have on a whole part of a piece of writing. Even if that detail is something simple like a name. If the name is unusual the character may be unusual and not an everyday person. They may also dislike their identity and just want to be normal. This can drive a characters way of acting and thinking just based off of something so small as a name.
Contrastly a person with the same boring John name can equally be affected by their name. Maybe that character is just a very normal person, like his name. Then again he could also strive to break out of his boring constraints in an attempt to be an individual and not just another John. It could also cause severe jealousy to the people with the abnormal names resembling the one he truly wants. All of these details can be derived from a source as simple as a name.
It is very important for a good reader/ writer to be able to analyze what they are reading on a much deeoer scale. Every story is essentially a bunch of small parts stacked upon eachother to make up the whole. It takes almost an small understanding of psychology to be able to interpret a writers meaning. To be a good reader we must not hesitate to step out of our normal way of thinking and draw as many conclusions as possible from what we have read. Say what you feel even if your assumptions are far from normal it is still good to show that you can use reading as a tool to envoke your logical, or creative, thinking.
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